Who cares?
If it’s the basketball coach, he wants to know
who’s the tallest.
If it’s the football coach, he wants to know
who’s the heaviest.
If it's the wrestling coach, he want's to know a lot
more about the wrestlers.
If it’s the rescuer needing help to lift the beam
up, he wants to know who’s the strongest.
If it’s the Mafia boss wanting a bodyguard, he
wants to know who’s the most skilled fighter.
This problem was presented as a puzzle at Da Vinci Days, 2003:
"Who's the biggest?" means
to just about everybody that you line 'em up by size and see who's at the
head of the line. This is one of the symptoms of Herpes
Very few measures have just one component, and one component is all it can have if you're going to line things up by that measurement. Most measures have many components, like vectors do (tensors, complex numbers, and quaternions, too--and a an surprising number of things require those measures.) Visualize it. A really good way to begin to understand how to cure a case of Herpes simpletonisus while thinking about measurement is to get a better understanding of color. See Color Sometimes, a good starting place is to try to order ellipses. |
A lot of things look different when Herpes simpletonisus
is cured!