One Lucky Day....
Two retinal cones: blue-sensitive and green-sensitive
Some people see this
Three retinal cones: blue-, green-, and red-sensitive
while others see this


Seeing science is different from seeing colors.

If you really understand a bit of science, you see a pattern in the world that few people have ever seen. And you gain powers that greatly improve your abilities to make things happen the way you want.

Click on the pictures to see further.
Learn a bit of science.  Understand. . . what??
E = mc2
At first, you probably won't see.  You just learn instead.  And what you learn is "ivory towered and quite out of touch with the real world."  You can't see it in the world around you.  You can't use your learning to make things happen the way you want.

Then, one day--if you're lucky or if you have been thinking hard about some puzzling facts of life--all of a sudden you see.  Eureka!  There it is.  "How could I have been looking right at it and not see it?"

Different Web site: Use 'back' to return.Eureka!

Learning science, so that you can use science, uses much more potent powers of the mind than does learning the names of colors.  Seeing colors uses human perception.  Naming colors uses human language.  Seeing science engages the gears of the human mind that work right at the edges of human comprehension.  Sometimes it's called "mathematics."  Sometimes it's called "abstract thinking."  "Sometimes it's called "too difficult for me to try to do."

No, it's not!

Everybody can do it.  It just needs efforts unlike the efforts you learned how to make in most of your schooling.  Some people will find it easier than others will, but the "intelligence" we like to line people up by may not tell us who will find it easier and who will find it harder.
Different Web site: Use 'back' to return.
And it's not only very much worth trying, it's also one of the most enjoyable exercises of the mind we can do.  And it's valuable...once we've enjoyed a few successes at making it work.

When you can see those patterns--when you can interpret them and apply that science to make things happen the way you want--others who don't see and can't apply might suspect you are a magician.  To a person who hasn't "seen," to a person who hasn't yet gone beyond the edges of easy human comprehension, it could only be magical.

What's up?..Different Web site: Use 'back' to return.
When we do science and mathematics we attune our minds to the patterns of patterns of patterns of . . . of the real world.  When our minds can dance to those tunes, then we have learned to "mind dance into magic."

Protanopic colorblind vision'Normal human' color vision

Magic of the Mind at da Vinci Days
Whydo different people see color in different ways?
Whatlimits our imagination that we cannot understand what others see?
 How does language tell one person what another person sees?
Who has seen the route to understanding why birds see complex colors we cannot? When will we ever learn to accept the bird's vision as a kind of magic?

Where could we go next in Mother Nature's evolutionary trek?
