Put 'em up!

Turn the tables onThe Casino:
(The greatest little tax–on gullibility–in Texas
...and everywhere else.)

You’ve been loosing long enough!  Learn what the casino operators have known all along:
     The flow of your money is as predictable as the flow of heat in a steam engine.  Steam engines work reliably and so do casinos.  The underlying principles are the same.  Exactly!
     It’s called “statistics”–also “statistical mechanics,” “thermodynamics.”  In the casino, it’s called sucker bait.
     Whoever runs the game (the “swift”) wins.  In the long run.  The gull wins occasionally, sometimes quite a bit.  That’s sucker bait.  But the game is set up to give random ups and downs, and it’s random that the gull, like many science students, doesn’t really understand.
    He (or she) thinks he understands, but he wants to win.  Wants badly.  So he sees his wins.  Then tries not to see his losses.
     And then fools himself  into believing he will get rich if he plays long enough.  Randomness, however, assures he will lose–and lose very close to the percentage chosen by the swift on the other side of the table.
     Many millennia marched past human history before gambling humans understood randomness well enough to apply that understanding to designing steam engines.  It’s understanding at the edges of human comprehension.  Modern college students learn a lot of facts about it, but, more often than not, fail to see the truly revealing insights.  So, if you don’t see the subtleties of randomness, you can still learn the simple trick of beating the casino:
   Turn the tables:  the swift runs the casino; the gull plays the games.
“Swifts of the world, unite!  They have nothing but their money to lose.”
Johnathan Swift Seeagull