It seems to everyone
that what we see is just what's there.
In about 1685, Isaac
Newton discovered realms of vision beyond human vision.
Since Newton, science
has discovered much, much more that lies beyond human perception.
other animals have known about some of this for millions of years.)
Most of what our eyes
see is light that is reflected from things.
light from things that glow--like candles, electric light bulbs, stars,
the sun, red hot objects...
glowing things--the sun, the lamps, etc--supply the light that gets reflected.
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One interesting fact
that science discovered is that everything "glows."
higher the temperature, the more to the left in that spectrum is the "light"
given off.
that is emitted by "glowing" is defined as "heat" -- which means
that, to science, "light" is generally a form of heat.)
For the heat emitted
by something to be visible to the human eye,
its temperature must
be above about 1000 degrees F.
A 1000-degree
glowing object will look deep red to the human eye.
A hot
electric iron is not far in temperature from being visible
it leaves a trail on the cloth being pressed.
But even a warm human
body emits "light" (heat) not very far
from that narrow visible
band in the spectrum.
The floor that has just been walked on by a barefoot person has a trail
of warm footprints.
And animal
tissue that is feverish emits more infrared than does healthy tissue.
tea is poured into a tea cup, and the infrared camera sees the level of
in the teapot and in the tea cup.
can see the hot steam!
And a
wall that is a little warmer because it has a fire behind it
much more light (infrared) than a cooler wall.
Infrared vision lets
us see all of this.
And so those who understand
such things have invented
several kinds of infrared
InfraRed camera
Yet another advantage
that infrared vision gives us is this:
Infrared vision sees
through most haze and smoke.
because of a phenomenon physicists call "Rayleigh scattering"...
makes the sky blue and the sunsets red (especially when the air is smoky).
It's the wavelength
of the light that counts.
If the wavelength
is longer than the size of the haze or smoke particles,
then the light is
not much scattered.
smoke particles are larger than the wavelength of deep red light.
so the visible light gets scattered and we can't "see through it."
smoke particles are smaller than the infrared seen by the infrared cameras.
so the infrared light is not scattered, and we can "see through
Infrared cameras usually
use lenses of materials that are opaque to visible light
but transparent to
are usually the materials of choice: silicon, germanium, gallium arsenide,
same characteristic that makes them semiconductors, makes them absorb visible
light is absorbed because it generates the "semiconducting" electron-hole
pairs; infrared lacks the energy needed.)