That's  ferromagnets to visiting  physicists.

When he drops the magnet into the tube...
The small neodymium magnet is dropped down the aluminum tube, but surprise!

The heavy magnet floats liesurely down the center of the tube as long as it's inside the tube.  When it gets back outside, it falls at a normal rate.

It's an unusually strong magnet.  It generates unusually large eddy currents in the aluminum of the tube.  These currents generate a magnetic field that opposes the force due to gravity.

We can also picture what's going on by thinking about energy.  A good idea!  But a tricky idea that when we understand why it's tricky we then see science from a vastly better viewpoint.

it seems to have vanished for a while...

after an unreasonably long wait it finally
drops out of the bottom of the tube.

Looking into a 45 mirror to see up the inside of the tube...

the magnet starts its fall through the tube.

But the magnet floats liesurely down the tube.

However, outside the tube, its fall is normal.
(You see both the magnet and its image in  the mirror.)

The end of the pendulum has a magnet.
Magnets are scattered about the base.
The magnetic fields are very complex.
The motion of the peudulum is very chaotic.

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