Two of science's most powerful secrets are:
and deception by the sharks that swim with you |
"She Who Must Be Obeyed" |
So, you've discovered something that suggests that one of your wondrous wishes has come true. Don't stop there!! You need to dodge
becoming infected with
Just because someone won the lottery doesn't even begin to indicate that your odds are above ZERO, to within eight significant figures. The shortest route to disaster is to ignore the rest of the universe...once you've seen what you like. You improve your
odds of success in life by considering as much of the truth as you can.
that if you can't see how to use some science you've learned, you probably
didn't understand what you learned.
Second, note that your first glances lead you toward pseudoscience, and that second (and third and fourth and...) glances are needed before you see what the science really is. Third, note that mere glances aren't good enough. It's going to take some heavy mental weight lifting. Fourth, note that the satisfaction of achieving science insight is worth the effort of the strenuous exercise...and that you might enjoy the exercise itself. Also note that you have entered the world of "The Fourth Level of Abstraction" as Kieth Devlin, the Math Guy, calls it*. (*Jean
Piaget calls it "formal operations.")
The secrets
of the Fourth are like the obvious facts of the First (perception).
When you see them you know they are true, and you know that if you try
to deny them Mother Nature might come after you. When you see that
someone else doesn't see them, it can be obvious to you that they
don't see them. (And you should try to help them...but how?)
You improve your
odds of success in life by seeing as much of the Fourth Level as you can.
Herpes simpletonisus Puzzles and deception |
Devlin's four levels of abstraction (plus one) The dimensions of color vision |
the view from the higher level
Some examples of
Fourth Level concepts
their lower level predecessors
colloquial often leads to goofups perception - imagination - metaphor |
broadly useful usually leads to new vistas mathematical - logical - fourth-level |
Energy: Energy is simply a deep abstraction (Fourth-level) which is conserved. This isn't Aristotle's concept. | "We have no knowledge of what energy is," says Richard Feynman. Feynman's wisdom is deep, important, and rarely recognized. | |
Power: The rate at which work is done, (the first derivative of work with respect to time) | This is the too rarely recognized distinction between kilowatts and kilowatt-hours. | |
Energy, Power, Work, & Force |
Work:The transfer of energy from one physical system to another by other than a temperature difference. (See heat.) | The distinction between work and heat is central to understanding the statistical realities of entropy and thermodynamics. |
These all mean some apsect of ability or capacity to act or perform effectively. In colloquial use they get used interchangably. | Force: A measure of influence of one body on another which produces an acceleration inversely proportional to the mass of the body accelerated. | The equation, F=ma is fundamental to most of physics, but is so thoroughly fourth-level that it is rarely understood usefully. |
This one is not confused with the above four, |
but it belongs with them. |
Heat: A feelling from some sensors in our skin; elevated temperature. | Heat: Energy transferred solely because of temperature difference. | "More heat than light"? In the Fourth Level, light is seen to be a form of heat: radiation. |
From biology and other |
more complex sciences |
Intelligence: Information. | Intelligence: Information processing skills--richly multidimensional, tensor-like. |
Parameter: Perimeter. | Parameter: A mathematically defined variable or constant. |
Rank: Position in a line. | Rank: Position in a multidimensional space. |
Justice: Retribution and revenge. | Justice: Mutually reciprocal fairness. |
Human rights: My rights. | Human rights: Everybody's rights. |
Terrorism: Lethal attacks on America | Terrorism: Lethal attacks on humanity |
we advance beyond the third level, we must add dimensions to our "seeing."
solutions to problems lie in unsuspected dimensions.
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advancing into new dimensions.
Seeing into those
dimensions requires thinking in probably unfamiliar ways.
can never again not see it" |
you never thought to look." |
to understand
a life ...or
the side-splitting, humorous, subtle and deeply significant sides of science.
Donald Simanek
February 9, 2003
These "Can science help you?" pages are being reworked for greater clarity and cleaner appearance.
We are looking for ways to overcome the problem that the skeptics movement seems always to be "talking only to each other."
We are looking for ways to convince others that the tools of science really do empower, but require insights that may be hard to achieve.
We are looking for help--discussion, criticism, suggestions, argument, whatever...