Lake Oswego quadrangle Map A2

This is upper Fanno Creek and one of the hilliest urban terrains you will find anywhere.  The highest point, Council Crest, is almost a thousand feet higher than the lowest, Fanno Creek near 45th Ave, and only little more than a mile separates them.

Forty-Mile Trail cuts across the northeast corner of this map, descending from near the crest of Council Crest into Marquam Gulch, crossing Greenway Ave and Fairmount Blvd (where it enters map A3).  The it comes back into this map below Clemell St, where it climbs up to Marquam Hill Rd and then goes down to connect with the Marquam Hill - Terwilliger, one mile, trail segment.  This part of 40-mi trail is mostly in deep woods and deep canyons that give the hiker a feel of being in wilderness.  In spring, notice the trilliums in the woods.  In summer, pause to savor some of the wild red huckleberries or thimble berries from along the trail.  In autumn,  the color of the vine maples is spectacular.  In winter, enjoy the expanded views of the creek and the opposite hillside that the leafless deciduous trees affords.  Along this segment of the trail you might see a spectacular poison ivy vine, several inches in diameter, climbing up a tall tree near the trail.

Fairmount Blvd loop (with a short segment of Talbot Rd.) is a popular walking, running, and biking route.  It's 3.6 miles varies less than 100 feet in altitude (averaging about 900'; 950' at his highest point, near the south end at Mitchell).  This is a route for the connoisseur of interesting architecture.  Watch for:

Pause at the parking area at the top of Sherwood Pl. to look out over the city, especially if you are there on a clear day  when you can see Mt. Rainier beyond the left shoulder of Mt. St. Helens.  Or at night, when the city lights sparkle on both sides of the Willamette - and of the Columbia.

Outstanding connector trails include:

Several Portland Heritage Trees are located within this map segment: Portland Parks Bureau Parks include: More interesting architecture: Watch for interesting map errors that appear on most maps: