In the 60's and
70's the journal Science published several papers that examined
the social consequences of science and technology, which has handed mankind
tools of unprecedented power to alter our environment. Two
of these were "The Tragedy of the Commons," by Garrett Hardin and "What
We Must Do," by John Platt.
Both papers were
pleas to break out of egocentric and ethnocentric world views and attend
to impending catastrophes that now face mankind, catastrophes that were
never before a danger because human knowledge did not have the power that
scientific understanding now gives it.
Many people heeded
the alarms. Many more did not. Today, many decades later, the
alarms appear to be silenced, the catastrophes no longer impending.
Decision makers should
heed the fact that science is a way of looking at the world in ways that
reveal things a bit beyond the edges of easy human comprehension.
They must understand that first glances usually give us misconceptions.
They must contend with the consequences of a human population that almost
never takes those extra steps toward the deeper understanding, almost never discovers that, "You can find magic in places
you never thought to look." Everyone has
rich potential for deeper understanding.
But everyone is also cajoled,
even pushed, toward dumbing down.
And so... Many people will add numbers they should multiply, subtract when they should divide.
They may be confused by exponential relationships, confusing, for example,"
thousands," "millions," "billions," and "trillions." They may see
but one cause for each effect and vice versamaking the argument that
,"The tire didn't cause the accident, the vehicle did," seem like sound
logic, when, in fact, it suggests that the person saying it has a degree of
"logic blindness" to certain elementary logical patterns. Most see statistical
reasoning as the kind of lies advertisers bombard us with, rather than
as one of the fundamental insights of physics. Most will see all
measured quantities as having but one single component, rendering the truly
meaningful multi-dimensional ordering by that measure as seeming without any meaning at all.
They might even not find useful meaning in negative numbers.
Hardin and Platt
were simply looking at technology, vis-a-vis human cultures, with the simple
insights which give science its powerlike ratio and proportion, exponential
variation, multicomponent measure, statistical inference, Boolean relationships,
and implications of mutual reciprocityand then they asked some crucial
Their answers are
crucial, too. But their answers are seldom seen, almost never understoodlike
the 17th century laws of motion that Newton saw and today's physics teachers
teach...but today's physics students rarely see. Prescientific misconceptions persist...pervasively and perniciously. Seemingly permanently.
Platt's three most
crucial "things to do" were to avoid nuclear holocaust, sidestep environmental
catastrophe, and prevent collapse of democracy.
We have so
far succeeded
at the first, have possibly failed at the second by setting into motion
unstoppable ecological disruptions, and have so corrupted democracythrough
powerful public opinion manipulation and concentration of decision-makingthat
we might not recognize collapse of democracy even if it's already happened.
Above all, we are
in the midst of a population explosion (as seen in evolutionary and geological
time scales) which is already putting severe pressures on our natural resources.
And decision makers repeatedly make statements revealing alarming ignorance
of the simple science and "obvious" logic that should guide their decisions.
guide them in the light of Platt's warnings.
Dumbing down is dangerous. Dumbing down in a democracy is doubly dangerous. Dumb can be fatal when our toys tap the tremendous powers of today's science. Pseudoscience is a trap of nearsighted pinched vision; furthermore, getting caught in it might satisfy some felt need, but simply seeing the real science is far more satisfying. And everyone can see farther if they work at it.
If Mother Nature
has a humanly recognizable face, she must be grinning widely these days.
Nuclear holocaust and environmental catastrophe are among her antidotes to human
population explosion.
Human evolution is
evolution toward ever more powerful reasoning skills. The human mind,
not the human power to kill each other, is what has put us in dominion over dangerous lions,
bears, sharks, poisonous snakes, and retroviruses. (Well,
perhaps we should think more about that last one.) And evolution
doesn't stop: it's incredibly anthropocentric to think we might be "the
supreme being" at a final state of evolution. It's also a fatal mistake.
is full of traps for the beast that cannot learn." |