Neighbor Night Out
August 7, 2003
Bridlemile - SWHRL - Hillsdale

Albert Kelly Park
site of  a current Bridlemile Creek Stewards project



SW Walking Maps were available...

And food...

Neighbor Night Out is a crime prevention event.
--Start your Block Watch now!--

The new ATV's go...

...where no patrol car has gone before.
The new Senior Neighborhood Officer program

gives special attention to neighborhood problems.
Press conference, February 13, 2003
"...Portland's next chapter in community policing as we put one Senior Neighborhood Officer in each precinct in a new role, a new responsibility.  And that is to have a connection to the neighborhoods and to be the leader in mobilizing... solve the problems that cause the crime. mobilize communities to work with the crime prevention specialists, the block captains, and the district officers who have the responsibility of continually keeping their district safe."

Mark Kroeker, Chief of Police
Where can I get one of those?
Is there a mower attachment?
And off to the next neighborhood!
Your attention please...a drawing!

Kathy Bambeck, MC 

The younger ones, doing the miscellaneous chores

Look again at your ticket; someone must have it!
Soccer game, playing through....
Here comes a frisbee!

Frisbee underfoot!