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We can use these NET pages for communicating between different NET teams, for linking to other NET Web sites and to related sites.   Suggestions?  email
NET refresher page
SW Portland NET activities

When a catastrophic earthquake or other major natural disaster strikes, citizens naturally emerge to do the initial search, rescue, and first aid in their own neighborhoods.  "Survival," "self-help," and "mutual aid" are all terms used to describe the essential volunteer efforts to cope in the aftermath of a disaster.   Since such  voluntarism inevitably takes place, it makes good sense to maximize volunteer through formal training and preparation. 

We also know that a catastrophic event will severely restrict and overwhelm the City's response resources, leaving many individuals and neighborhoods cut off from outside support.  Households and neighborhoods need to be prepared to rely on their own resources for food, water, first aid and shelter during the 72 hours immediately following the earthquake.  The ability of individuals and neighborhoods to fend for themselves during this time will be critical to their survival and recovery.

The Loma Prieta or "World Series" earthquake in 1989 and the Northridge earthquake in January 1994 both demonstrated the importance of civilian volunteers during a disaster.  Following the Northridge earthquake, for example, 80% of the area affected by the earthquake was managed by citizens trained in emergency response.  They put out fires and provided search, rescue and medical services to save lives and property in their own communities...

 From the introduction to the Portland NET Program Training Manual

Visit the 
Portland Office of Emergency Management Website

Information about NET training (Click on "Neighborhood Emergency Teams.")

and links to

Severe winter weather preparation
Power outages
Motor vehicle preparation
Protect your pets in disaster
72 hour kits
ODOT Road Conditions

ODOT Highway Web Cams

To a geologist, earthquakes and volcanos are active
if they slip or erupt every few hundred years!

To the rest of us, if something hasn't happened in the past several weeks or months,
we feel we can forget it!

We have sat for years and years at the bases of volcanos that we perceived  to be "extinct."  Mt St. Helens was one of those.

...  geologists have always told us that Mt St. Helens is as far from "extinct" as possible, that it is a very active volcano.  But we watched it year in, year out, a decade here, a decade there.  Nothing happened.  We didn't believe the evidence the geologists saw—in time scales we barely perceive.  We were blind to their logic.  Then...

Mt St Helens — May 19, 1980
elev May 17: 9677'    —     elev May 19: 8364'
Our perceptions of time and probability don't always serve us well.  As the year 2000 approached, many people saw near certain disaster approaching.

The city of Portland saw opportunity instead.  After consulting with those in the know, the City determined that the odds of really serious trouble was pretty low.  But the public was paying attention.  The public was keenly aware that emergencies could happen.  And Portland has a pretty good emergency response system.

One of Portland's responses was to form the "Y2K Speaker's Bureau," a group of volunteers who talked to groups to assure everyone that: 1) We don't expect serious problems. 2) We are well prepared, just in case...and here's how the City's emergency system works; 3) It's always a good idea for everyone to be prepared for any of a number of emergencies that do happen rather floods, landslides, ice storms, large fires, earthquakes...and now, after 9/11/01, even "terasattacks."  (New word, courtesy the media)
"...we think there will be few (if any) disruptions related to the Y2K bug.

"...the City views this as an opportunity to get Portlanders prepared in a community-based way for any disruptions in services, whether those disruptions are due to earthquakes, floods or the Y2K rollover."

"Emergency preparedness is about your neighborhood as well as your own household.  Learning more about Neighborhood Emergency Teams...will help both you and your neighborhoods during a disaster..."
"...we commonly have temporary winter disruptions from ice or windstorms.  And people in the Northwest can't ignore the fact that a major earthquake is predicted for our region.

"In any emergency, every household that is prepared for 3-7 days service disruption is an asset to the community.  Households that are not prepared will need help from the rest of us.  If you are prepared, the community can focus on helping people in critical need."

from Y2K Speakers Bureau presentation notes

Neither complacency nor paranoia is an effective response to the world around us.
Survival rests on good perceptions of the world of now,
rich knowledge of the world as it has been,
well-developed skills of interpreting the complexities,
followed by skillful, well-timed action.

That's life!

"Nature is full of traps for the beast that cannot learn."