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Earthquakes happen.  Join your neighborhood NET team.
Old Portland fire station, earthquake retrofitted and now full of sounds of music.

Neighborhood Emergency Team Events

Splinting, Bandaging, Carrying Practice for SW NET Teams
Saturday, May 7, 2005
...and other practice sessions...

SWNI's Emergency Prepardness Committee is currently studying ways to effectively address these isssues and using the Internet to communicate about them.

April 29, 2006

Hillsdale Neighborhood Emergency Team (and friends) 

SYNOPSIS of meeting on 2/4/2002:

We got started on the FEMA 5-module course on Emergency Response to Terrorism.  We went over the introduction and part of module 1, Terrorism in Perspective, which defines terrorism, and identifies the chief characteristics of terrorist activities, attack vulnerability factors, and the five categories of potential threats - B-NICE (get the materials to learn what the acronym stands for). 

At each session we will discuss part of a module and share our ideas about what our NET should/can do.  Each module has several "Thinking About My Situation . . ." discussion starters and ends with a "Learning Check" quiz. Those who complete all 5 modules (on your own time at your own pace) and pass a final test will be certified as Emergency Responders to Terrorism.   Even if you do only parts of the modules, the information is useful and interesting. 

We're meeting every other Monday at John's.  (Meetings are temporarily suspended.  We expect to resume sometime in March.) 

The manuals can be downloaded from FEMA
If you can't get it yourself, contact John. 

Some of these links will get you this message:
USFA has redesigned its web site to make it easier and faster for you to find the information you need. If you have reached this page by selecting a bookmark that worked previously, it is likely the file has moved to a new location because of our recent redesign.
We will try to find the new locations.  (Sept 7, 2002) 
SYNOPSIS of meeting on 1/21/2002:

For various reasons, on Jan. 21 we had a really short session. John pointed out that we can get Terrorist Training (not how to do it, what to do about it) from the Web, and that if we do all five sessions and pass a test we will be certified.     It should be interesting, and may well be valuable information to have. Training manuals were available from FEMA, but they're all out at the moment (big surprise).  However, one can download the material from the web, HERE   Or if you contact John he will get you a disk and you can print your own from it.

We decided that our review sessions are valuable, but perhaps every week is too big a commitment.  So we're going to change to every other week.  The next review will be at John's house on Feb. 5 at 7:00 pm. 

SYNOPSIS of meeting on 1/14/2002:

This week John had us review some very interesting FEMA videos on the medical aspects of emergencies.  They started with personal safety. Always go with a buddy. Always wear proper protective gear (goggles, mask, gloves, boots). 

We continued with the A B C's—Airway, Bleeding, Circulation (and shock).  A few things that have changed, or were not covered, in the NET training of several years ago: 1) Don't raise neck and jaw to clear the airway: tilt the neck and jaw together, to protect the spine; 2) Put gentle pressure on the stomach during mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to prevent inflating the stomach and causing vomiting; 3) Small, inexpensive devices with a one-way valve to protect yourself when giving mouth-to-mouth resuscitation are available.; 4) Never remove a pressure bandage: let a doctor do it.

We had the advantage of a live, cooperating victim to practice on.  Thanks, Matt.  Those of us in attendance agree that our time was well spent.  The videos we watched can be accessed from this FEMA site page:


Follow the "View CERT video material" link
The FEMA website is constantly updated. The above two links have been changed.
However, we will leave them here: they go to an index page NET members might find useful.

SYNOPSIS of meeting on 1/7/2002:

At our first training session at John's house, we started with resource management.  We got only as far as discussing where and how to set up our staging area: Triage and Medical areas, under cover; Communications, as high as we can place it; Command Post, away from the confusion of the other areas; Emergent Volunteer staging area, visible but out of the way; Etc.

Through FEMA, John has a lot of excellent information.  He will be presenting some of it every Monday night at his house. We hope you will attend as many sessions as possble.  Most of the discussions will have general application to any NET and any site.

Practice Alert.

Saturday, January 5, 2002, New staging area (behind Wilson High bleachers).  Details will be worked out by Monday Dec 31, and emailed to those on John's list. 

Expect an interesting, and much needed, practice so we'll be better prepared for the upcoming winter storm season.  Mark your calendars.

If you're not sure you're on John's email list, you can call Keturah (503-244-9122) for information or to leave your email address.


SYNOPSIS of September meeting (9/25/01):
It was agreed that we all need continuing refresher training, advanced training, and updating according to current events.  To help teams know their neighborhoods better, and be better able to get around in case major traffic routes are blocked, we will get and laminate accurate maps, which will let us use grease pencils to mark and erase problem areas.  Some NET's are planning to use these maps for guiding group walks.  We will also laminate pocked-sized "cheat sheets" to remind of a few vital facts, such as phone numbers, hazard codes, and the inspection diagrams that inform emergency responders.

About a dozen people from five different NET's attended this meeting.  It is agreed that each NET needs many more members.  Ways of recruiting were discussed including newspapers articles, "advertising" buttons for NET members to wear in public, and recuiting at workplaces, clubs, churches, neighborhood association meeting, etc. 

Watch here for updates.
Questions?  Email.



We will post a "Refresher" Web page to help each other stay on our toes and keep our training from getting stale.


Why join NET?