Portland   Explore!  Portland
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A trillium along the trail...
Links to activities
Portland, Oregon


Afrom OHSU Healthy Chats

BSee the neighborhood with companionsGroup Walks 

CTrail ProjectsSouthwest
      Urban Trails 

DHelp correct the mapsCorrecting

ENature in the city, plusNature       Activities

FNET ActivitiesNeighborhood 
     Emergency Teams

GNeighborhood/Block Watch ActivitiesNeighborhood

H ONI-sponsored meetings Office of 

 I Neighborhood Associations' activitiesSouthwest

J...and all those other eventsOther

    Current Events
Read about an imaginative project.
Nebraska St end of Himes Park Tr — click on picture for story

Trails Projects

Meetings: Fourth Thursday of each month  
St Luke Lutheran Church, SW 46th & California, 7pm.

SWTrails and Friends of Woods Park
a work party at SW 43rd and Alice,

Saturday, August 21 -- 9 am to 12 noon or so.

Bring gloves, eye protection, loppers, clippers, shovel, grubbing tools, water, willing spirit and we will have some fun starting to clear the trail route and maybe begin building some trail.  The route has been staked to show where the trail will go, and Fred Nilsen has sent parks  blackberry hounds out to overcome the huge vines in the south end of the trail.  We need to clear a six foot wide route of many invasives including ivy, black  berries, holly, laurel, down trees, decayed stumps and other vegetation. 

If we have enough volunteers, we will begin building the trail from the north end.  Be sure to mark all your equipment so we can keep straight what belongs to whom. 

Sturdy shoes and long sleeve shirts and long pants are needed to avoid those blackberry thorns. 

The trail we are building will be another link in the north south SW Urban Trail #6 from the zoo to Kerr Parkway in Lake Oswego.  This provides a safe route to travel rather than walk along busy Capitol Highway.

Be careful where you park.  Be sensitive that this is a narrow street and please do not park in driveways or block the street.  Leave room for a fire truck to get through.