Errors and suspected errors
plus additional information
SW Walking Map

North - West Section (back side of map)
Links to other sections:

North - Central 
North - East
 South - West (map back)
South - Central 
South - East
List of errors and suspected errors at bottom of this page.
EARLIER SETS OF ERRORS (mostly corrected, but there are a lot of nice pictures)

SW Walking Map:
? indicates something that needs checking
3 Numbers in orange indicate questions to be answered.
Should be:
? indicates something that needs checking
3 Numbers in orange indicate questions.
1.  Sharp bend in Catlin Crest has a paved path with steps that takes pedestrians off the street.  (There's more paved path along Catlin Crest south of here, too.)
2.  The Regency Ter set of streets constitute one of the two gated communities in SW Portland.  Both vehicle and pedestrian gates are kept closed and locked.  This area is not open to the public.
3.  I don't think this stub exists.
4.  The street extends on south, past a gate, through the cemetery to Camelot Ct and the bike path there. 
The gate at the point Catlin Crest is shown ending is often open to vehicles, and it's always open to pedestrians.  This is an important pedestrian route from Barnes Rd/Miller Rd at the north to Canyon Rd at the south.  Pedestrians would have to go very far (Skyline/Sylvan to the east or St Vincent's Hospital to the west) if this connection were not here.
Are these streets really public, or are they private access to houses (the south set) and housing developments (the north one)?
1.  75th used to connect to Pointer; a curb has been put in, but the pedestrian connection is still there.
2.  Pointer was removed for freeway construction, but it has now been restored.  The driveway and gate from 71st is gone.
3.  I don't think this street exists.
The construction at 75th and Pointer suggests that the bike path will extend west from here on the south side of the freeway.  In the past, pedestrians have had access to bus stops from the streets to the south (78th, e.g.), and pedestrians have used the very wide shoulder to walk between these streets.
1.  The east-bound on ramp and the west-bound off ramp have been removed.  (Many years ago.)
2.  Canyon Terrace extends almost to Canyon Rd, and a pedestrian connection goes all the way.
Pre-publication sets of corrections
This is the original list I made immediately after the map was published
plus new errors I find.

Trail 7 going from Fairmount to Dosch -- IT'S NOT THERE AS SHOWN.  On both Urban trails map on back and on main map (where it's shown as light stripe).   This is where we avoid showing the route as going down the water-meter trail.  Isn't it better to show a gap in the route?  NC-3

The main trail, the Marquam Gulch Trail, in Marquam Nature Park is not shown at all.  Sunnyside Trail and Goldie Corridor Trail are shown. Placements of switchbacks is, in general, wrong.  Crossing of Marquam Hill Rd by the lower branch of 40-mile trail is incorrectly shown.  It does not simply cross the street but runs along it for about 400 ft. Marquam Nature Park Map

Main Trail (center east-west trail) in Gabriel Park is not shown. 

Tryon State Park trails are very incomplete.  Auto entrance, parking lot area, and Nature House need to be shown. 

??[Check out end of High St north of Terrace.]

Grant St (abandoned name, but street not abandoned) not shown near Sylvan.  Access trail into cemetery not shown. 

Mysterious streets in crook of Sherwood. 

Big pedestrian bridge at parking lots near Ronald McDonald house (OHSU) not shown. 

In general, all streets should probably be named.  (I've heard several complaints on this issue.) 

Wyndham does not go through to Skyline (just south of Hoyt Arboretum). NC-1

??[Check street(s) south of Highland Rd one block south of Wyndham.] 

[Check what appears to be an extension of Humphrey Park south of Humphrey near Hilltop Ln.  I think this is a private drive. 

Why is there a dotted purple line show at the sidewalk on the south side of Council Crest Drive from the circle to the park boundary? 

The break in Sherwood is improperly shown. 

Upper College is incorrectly labeled "Hall" 

?? Check the angle of the stair sets below Upper Hall (the ones with blue-painted wrought iron railings). 

Curry between 11th and Vet Hosp Rd has a good trail.  And 10th is well-connected for pedestrians (parking lots, etc) between Curry and Gibbs. 

The Veterans Adm Hospital parking lots are formally connected with stairs, paved walks and gravel trails. Probably should show a lot of these connections.  They are well-used. 
The street and pedestrian connections and continuity at the east approaches to Ross Island Bridge are unclear. 

That grid of streets labeled "River Sq" between Montgomery River Pky are, I believe, private paths and access to parking structures.  They are gated and locked? 

What is the street to the east of Council Crest Dr just north of the red/white transmission tower (Healy Heights)? 

There must be some way to indicate that the gap in Council Crest Dr south of Carl Pl is not a gap in drivability or walking access. 

There's no right-angle wiggle in 21st north of Dewitt and south of Kanan. 

Bertha west of 33rd has a sign, "Private No Trespassing." It's the Pascuzzi property which Pascuzzi is contending vis-a-vis the Red Electric route. 

36th does not extend north of Iowa at Iowa  (Checked, Aug, 04)

G-8  Flower Street does extend all the way to Cullen (west of 42nd).  It's a bit primitive for autos, but perfectly good walking. 

There is a good trail from the dead end of 37th that goes through south to Logan. 

42nd south of Marigold is mostly street on its way to Primrose. 

At the north end of the pedestrian bridge over I-5 below the Barbur Transit Center, the main  pedestrian route to the parking area parallels I-5 to the west and is up a gentle concrete ramp.  (We've never taken the stairs shown as the route and have never seen anyone else use them either.) 

 Old stuff above
The main E-W trail in Dickenson Park isn't shown--it goes to Alfred.  The "trail" shown is a hazardous, overgrown clearing with lots of hidden potholes--a real ankle-twister. 

The planned trail up from Custer to 4th (shown in grey) is located under the N-bound on-ramp.  It does not cross 4th and 5th as shown. 

The cemetery road approaching Sellwood Bridge is pretty far off.  The road goes north of the west end of Sellwood Br and then hairpin turns south to the traffic light.  There is a wide set of stone stairs from the hairpin turn that goes down to the street near the end of the bridge. 

The Summerville streets and path south of Carey are pretty far off: too much street at the south end; too little at the north. 

There are a lot more trails in the Quail Post development. North end of Quail Post Rd is still wrong. 

At Vacuna and 37th, there is street to the west.  The path is in the middle of the block.

The street that goes under the underpass north and east of Handy Andy's is missing.  (Capitol Hwy at Multnomah Blvd). So are the stairs down from the bridge.  The bridge should have black lines outlining the bridge to show the third dimension configuration here.  What is show is very confusing and fails to give necessary information. 

?[Check Hume at 42th/43rd.] 

Lobelia does not extend from 5th eastward to Taylors Ferry Rd.

New trails have been located and marked in the Dickenson Woods parts of Dickenson Park.

A well-established and well used trail goes through the north part of Dickenson Park from 57th to Alfred Ct.

Check north side of PCC Slyvania Campus: entry at 53rd?  There are other paths, too, but less formal, 51st/Vesta, e.g.


North West

Most of the Catlin Crest development is gated and locked. The map should somehow convey this fact. 

Good News!  The west end of Raab Rd has just been reopened to walkers and bikes to Canyon Dr. 

The position of Raleigh Hills School makes it look like the access to the schools is on Hazelnut Ln.  It's on Scholls Ferry Rd.

South West

There are no stairs (or any other pedestrian route) from the east end of Pine Ridge Ct to 73rd.  (IS THERE??) 

Trail missing at northeast corner of Hideaway Park.  It goes to Hickman Ln--not named on map: is there really a piece of 67th here? 

Aloma Way and what appears to be an extension of Canby is still wrong: these do not connect in any way.  Aloma Way goes to the Frank Estate development around "Firlock Way" and nowhere else (as far as I know).  There is a high quality path that connects the athletic building for OES to the OES campus, and this path can be reached from Frank Estate by a couple of ways (across a back yard of an apartment and over a wier on the stream) but this path has a gate that is often closed and locked.  The gates that were put in to connect the path to Arranmore development have all be closed and locked. 

The paved path north out of Garden Home Park to Skyhar is missing--and so is the water fountain near the tennis courts.  (We rely on this water a lot.) 

Monshadow Park trails all missing 

74th--Barbara to Landau has roads and a trail (with bridge).  It just doesn't connect by auto. 

Spruce St west of 77th has good pedestrian connections all the way to Hall. 

The gap in Elmwood between 80th and 74th has a good trail for pedestrians.

Old stuff above

June 30, 2004
More old errors
with pretty pictures
North - Central


Illinois, to the east of 30th, is missing.


1.  21st extends to Beaverton-Hillsdale Hy.
2.  That little green, right-angle turn isn't there.  The walking route north on 21st is (almost) straight all the way from B-H Hy to Kanan.
3.  The Hillsdale Library has been returned to its old home (Dewitt at Sunset), and the temporary library, shown here, is no more..
4.  Bertha Ct no longer gets the hazard color.  A new sidewalk has been constructed.

Rieke School is on Vermont, not B-H Hy as shown.

E-8  The symbol for Hayhurst School is shown so far north it's probably off of the school property.  The school is on Iowa.

E-9  There is no extension of 55th north of Vermont.

E/F-11  50th does not extend south of Multnomah Blvd

E/F-4/5  The streets shown north of Patton Rd are innacurate.  Some are private streets, some public.  The area is fairly dense in homes; most are very large, and their street addresses don't usually conform to what we would expect.  The actual streets and driveways don't much follow the original platting.

North - East


1.  This is a walkway next to the trolley track (with station), not a street.
It would be nice to show the trolley and it's stations.
2.  There is a street here from Macadam to the businesses--and to that mailbox.
3. Not a street.  It's a narrow concrete walk between to the big red building and a hedge, probably private ownership, open to public.


1. The stairs and path shown at 2nd is actually at 3rd.  2nd between Meade and Hooker is a street.
2.  There is a wide break in 2nd in front of the old Children's Museum.  No vehicular traffic north onto 2nd from Woods.
 South  - Central

I-15 27th, near Lancaster, is not continuous.  A gravel 27th goes west from Lancaster accessing two houses but is blocked to prevent vehicles from going futher into the newer development (paved 27th).

I-10  Logan/Miles at 19th: One cannot drive north on 19th to Miles.

From Miles, looking south on 19th toward Logan

 I-17  The street shown as "Condolea" is an alleyway behind the condos.  There's a whole grid of Condolea's.  CLICK HERE 

 F-15 There's a new park south of the Capitol Hill Library, "Holly Farm."

Capitol Hy is incorrectly shown as a path.  I don't recall a trail between Palatine and Pomona on the 51st alignment as shown.  A street comes south from Pomona but not, I think, all the way to Captiol Hy??

G-16  The corner of 39th and Stephenson is a right angle.  Vacuna extends a bit to the west of 37th.  SEE #28 HERE  From Vesta south, the road that went to Kerr Park and then turns east along the north side of the park has been converted from a road to a trail.




The many trails in the Mountain Park Development should probably be shown.  A map of them is available (was $1) at the recreation center on Jefferson.

Consider showing Jefferson Pky under the print at the bottom left corner of the map.  It's the main route up to Kerr Pky from below.

H-16  There is a wide concrete pathway extending north from 31st Ct to the edge of the newer housing development property.  It currently becomes a demand path into the older housing to the north.  It was apparently mandated by the permitting system.   A school route over these paths would be especially desirable to avoid what is currently a hazardous route.  (The Safe Routes to Schools program is greatly concerned about the unsafe routes in and out of Stephenson School and especially around the intersection of Stephenson St and 35th.)

J-12  Freeway ramps in freeway color (grey) would better depict their use, especially vis-a-vis pedestrian use.

E-13 Brugger is shown as a street between 53rd & 54th.  Don't think so.  51st, 52nd, 53rd and each has a piece of Brugger extending to the west; but in each case Brugger doesn't go all the way to the next numbered street.  There is no Brugger street between 54th and 55th, but there is a trail.  Also, the Walking Map shows a small business on the NE corner of 54th and Taylors Ferry Rd: the store is on the corner of 55th and Taylors Ferry Rd. PDX MAP (I don't show the short dead end piece of Brugger west of 53rd)

F-11  Hume beween 48th and Orchard is blocked by a fence.

G-10 None of  the parking lots for Gabriel Park are shown--nor are the streets to them shown.  Community Center, north picnic and play fields area, dog off-leash/tennis courts/volleyball area, and south baseball area.

I-14  The trail shown from the end of Ridgeview Ln to Lancaster is not yet in place.


Jackson Middle School grounds can be crossed almost anywhere--and there is a running track near the NE corner.  A N-S trail is shown traversing the west side of the campus connecting Comus and the Maracara sidewalk.  I believe that there's no designated path here that distinguishes it from any other route we might choose. This points to the general problem that we need to designate areas of school grounds and parks across which we may go just about anywhere.


The Quail Post stream trail connects to 30th after a sharp turn to the right.

Note the way the lower end of the trail connects to the streets.

G-3 The west bound onramp to Sunset Hwy (U.S.26) is missing.


South - East

L-10 The map shows a segment of 3rd extending north to the SE edge of George Himes Park.  It's not there.

L-10 The Custer path is directly under the I-5 northbound on ramp from Terwilliger--the on ramp serves as a rain shelter for the steps. PICS

As shown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .As is


A wide gravel road connects the large turnaround at the end of Mary Failing with Terwilliger.   South end of Corbett Hill has a gate to stop vehicles, but pedestrians and bikes can go through. .


M-16 Tryon Creek State Park entrance road and parking lot not shown.
Showing the creeks in the park would be helpful--it tells a lot about the terrain.

L-15  The southern piece of Colony does not allow vehicular traffic as implied by the map.  There's a high fence here with a gate that's usually unlocked for pedestrian access.

K-13 The streets and path at 7th/8th and Primrose don't seem quite right.  PICTURES

......As shown..........It's more like this.

M-13 Palatine Hill Rd is incorrectly labeled "Primrose."  Also,"CORBETT LN" is far enough north that it implies that Palatine Hill Rd is Corbett Ln at that corner.  I don't think that the piece of Alice Ct is really there..

O-14/15  Radcliffe is a wierdly named street here: it wiggles through the neighborhood.  On the map, the "RIVER" part of "RIVERDALE" is actually part of Radcliffe--the "DALE" part is Riverdale.  What looks like a N-S section of Hedlund north of Riverdale is actually Radcliffe. 

SEE PDX MAP (and note treatment of trails into Lewis & Clark Col.  A person using the SW Walking map would not be able to use the map to find the trail to Riverdale if they are coming from the College.  Also, should the college have some kind of color tint indicating the boundaries of the campus?)

O-16  Buddington at Avetine Circus   This is a strange situation.  The main E-W street here is not shown on the Walking Map.  It extends east of Avetine Circus, one block north of the street that is shown on the map--and opposite the short piece (Buddington Ct) shown extending west of Avetine Circus.  The PortlandMaps GIS information suggests it might be a private street.  It extends all the way to the back (north) gate of Berry Botanic Garden  SEE PDX MAP (I neglected to show Buddington Ct.)

North - West (map back)

C-7  A concrete sidewalk connects the west end of Flower with the north end of 65th.


1.  OES has recently built a system of trails in their natural area here.
2.  A heavily used trail connects the playground (via a gate in the fence on the north side) of Montclair School to Vermont (and Nicol) which goes through the north edge of the playing fields of OES.
3.  Trails are being conisdered for Bauman (Scholls?) Park, possibly extending through to Willowmere.

A-7 Raleigh Hills School looks as though on Hazlenut Ln.  It's on Scholls Ferry Rd.

C-6  Hamilton Wy is missing.  It's a dead end street between Hamilton St and Seymour extending east from Shcolls Ferry Rd.

E-5  The part shown as trail is a street and is 58th Dr with auto access only from Patton Rd from the north.  Windsor Ct is the street to the east of what is shown as trail.  The 58th Dr development is separated from Windsor Ct with a bed of stream boulders, and a foot path is provided (on the right in the photo below).

(from previous corrections)
(from 58th Dr)
Looking west from Windsor Ct across rocks

(B-4 There used to be a set of stairs from the south side of Canyon Rd, leading to an open vacant slope below, that lets a pedestrian go from Canyon Rd to Canyon Dr.  It was a little north of Linden Rd.  I don't know if  it's still there--we haven't used it in years.)

South - West (map back)

C-12 Moonshadow Park trails not shown.  Street from Orchid down to Moonshadow development doesn't exist.


B-11  There is a path going north into a housing development from a bit east of the Garden Home Community Library.  It is made of concrete slab stepping stones and is heavily used.

B-12 A path connects the gap shown on 74th between Stewart and Alden.


August, 2004
Errors and suspect things found in a systematic search (while at Halfway).
The items with bold map coordinates are ones I've elaborated on from my Halfway notes.
The others are just the notes--I've run out of time.  I'll try to get back to them.

N-10 Miles St Shown as trail.  It is street.

N-9  The drinking fountain near the large number "3" at the latitude of Nebraska.   Don't know of any drinking fountain near here.

N-8/9  "Riverpoint Ln" This is private and is well-marked and specially fenced to keep out the general public walking the trail.

M-11   Custer steps.  Very little of this is actually steps once we get above the bottom sections.

M-13 Orchid St (or Ct, or??) A connector between Viewpoint Terr and Palatine Hill Rd a short block south of the cemetery.  I don't think this is really a street--I tried to use it a few weeks ago (after dark): it seemed to be someone's gravel driveway--but I'm not sure.

N/O-14/15  A walker trying to find the trail through L&C College and down to Riverdale will almost certainly fail if all he or she has to go on is this map.  This is a rich complex of walks, streets, and paths, and simplifying the map here is a disservice to the walker who can read a map.

N-16  The street west of "Elisium" goes much futher.  It might be private, but it doesn't look private as we drive down it.

N-17/18  "Northgate" is, I recall, very, very short--and the Terwilliger bike path here is essentially Terwilliger's sidewalk, right next to the street.  The position of the bike path is rather carelessly drawn throughout the Tryon Park area. (My map is a little better but nothing to brag about.  GPS would do a lot better, and I'll probably do it next time I lead a walk there.)

I-17  25th south of Stephenson has a demand path from its end gonig west to Slyvania Terr (not named on Walking map).  We used to use it a lot; I don't know its ownership status.

H/I-18  Condolea is an area of condominiums.  The Walking map currently shows a weird set of streets that bears little resemblance to the routes a walker will find wandering among the condos.  This one is mentioned above at "I-17"

K-17  I remember a piece of Coronado extending west of that path that goes to Stephenson Ct.

J-13  14th north of Marigold toward Dolph Ct.  I recall a path connecting this gap.  Check it. 

I-9  Cap Hy designated as red (hazard)  Perhaps at Hoot Owl parking lot, but some of this stretch even has good concrete sidewalk.  The Hillsdale "Peace Walk" and "Voter Registration walk" used it weekly for months and never considered it hazardous even though small children and dogs were present. 

I-8  Hillsdale Park.  Some is Gray school grounds.  The path, and the park and shcool gounds, are badly misrepresentd by the Walking map.  Since there is much contention over these areas, the map needs to be faithful to what it depicts.

H-8  Pascuzzi's driveway--that extention of Bertha to the west of 34th-- is almost certainly not public.  (They have posted it "private" right at 34th.)  Another area of contention.

H-8  36th at Iowa.  It doesn't extend north of Iowa.  More contention.

H-5  Gated community off  Dosch is tightly gated.  (It's that little hook of a street east of Dosch extending over to the word "FAIRMOUNT.")

K-9  Wilson High water fountain.  Check it.  The one on the track has been shut off for years.  If there's one near the school it's not on Vermont. (Is there one associated with one of the playing fields next to Vermont?)

I-10  Custer Park.  Two of the ROW's (to north and to west) have routes into the northwest corner of the park.

H-10  There is a well-used trail on the 37th ROW that connects the dead-end south of Caldew to Logan (unnamed on map).

I-11 The little dead-end shown to the west of Capitol Hill just under the word "Christian" is the driveway into The Phone Company.  It is private and gated.  (Or is that piece shown the roadway down to the apartment garages?)

I/J-7  "Trails" off 25th [Hamilton ?Ct? Seymour] are MUCH shorter.

I-13  Barbur @ 26th.  Grade separations not indicated.

K-5  Gaines & 12th shown imporperly as trails.

K-5  Curry trail not shown  (Vet Hosp Rd to 11th)

M-5  Gibbs @ Naito.  set of steps (E side) missing??

M-1  Walk-through north of art museum not shown.

M-2/3  Pettygrove and Lovejoy Parks.  No paths shown.  There are many.

N-2/3  Waterfront trail system not shown.

K-2  "Hall" = "Upper College" ("Upper Hall" )  Don't think so.

K-1  I don't recall a drinking fountain as shown near Jefferson St Park.  Check it.

I-4 Edgewood alley missing.  (One version of my SW maps shows it: SEE, but it's the graphic labelled, "The correct map superimposed over the erroneous map."  If you haven't seen this new page, you might find it interesting.)

I/J-1  "Carter" ?? Is this a gated park service-road near the old archery range?

K-3  Spring/15th  Spring now extends to Governors Park??  Check it.

E-2  There are new stairs from bus stop up to the (also new) wide concrete walkway above.  They connect to 58th above.

F-4/5  "48th"  Check it.

F-6  Water fountain (maybe, but can't think of any) and restroom (doubt it) in Hamilton Park.   Check it.

F-8  48th north of Iowa.  Not a drivable street.

F-8  Pendleton west of 48th NO?? Check it.

G-9/10  Drinking fountain at Nike basketball court is missing.

F-13  Gate on Wood Parkway is farther north.

G-13  Barricade at Plum(?)  Brugger (probably)

G-13  "Taylors Ferry" misplaced --  streets not well shown

G-16  Coronado does not extend W of 39th.