
Da Vinci Days 2003
Oregonians for Rationality
Web site
in the Children's Pavillion
July 18-20

To see or not to see, that is our question.

explorepdx.com                           www.o4r.org
at end of last day
Something seems wrong.
Monty Hall Dilemma in 2003              EXHIBIT 3
Throughout the month of  August, explorepdx will be developing pages that explore possibilities for improving understanding of the simple concepts that underlie modern science and technology.  We will focus especially on the displays in the O4R booth at Da Vinci Days, July 18-20, 2003 -- the meaning and the mysteries of what was seen and experienced there.

Please send your ideas, questions, answers, suggestions, postings, etc, etc. to explorepdx:


See the pre-event
Da Vinci Day, 2003

Numbered exhibits, 2003

1 The Cantankerous Cube, 5X5X5 14 Arrange the athletes (or ellipses)
2 The Deceptive Cube (Mikusinski's) 15 Outline the figure in the dots
3 Monty Hall -- Which box is the prize in? 16 Six pieces go into a little orange box
4 The Human Kaleidoscope (solipsism simulator) 17 Cut a card to make the shape
5 Magic of the Mind by Jerry Andrus 18 See like a gnat -- stereoscopic Si model
6 Checkerboard and Dominos 19 Find the order in a dozen dots (some are random)
7 Make a cube -- outside colored, inside white 20 See like a giant -- stereoscopic Tetons
8 Make 27 little cubes from one big one. 21 Are there 16 or 18 dots in the pattern?
9 Orange plastic cube (meant to be Soma, sorry!) 23 Pareidolia
10 Soap filmsby George Andrus 24 Paradox box
12 The String Thing (String FX) 25 Julesz tiles
13 Wason's card selection puzzle 27 Magnetic fields
XX Vampire Mirror 28 Which box is really heavier?
Bold red numbers indicate pages remade for Da Vinci Days, 2003

Science is not what it seems at first glance

Click on a step to discover what you can see from it that you can't see from lower down.
Click on the changing badges at the top of the page to test your vision from these steps.
check list for
Five steps to climb
for a better view 
Discussion of the questions on this Da Vinci Days handout check list

Seeing science is seeing a lot of kinds of errors we never realized we can make.
Doing science is avoiding those errors.

...and making new science?
It helps if we understand why we make such errors.

results of opinion poll, July 18-20, on science and pseudoscience:

not science
no evidence
for it
alien-abduction 3 0 12 5
remote viewing 4 2 0 5
Loch Nesss monster 2 0 8 3
out-of-body travel 1 2 5 3
channeling 1 1 6 2
ESP 1 3 4 3
exterrestrial visits 2 0 6 3
quantum jump 5 1 4 0
recovered memories 2 2 4 1
psychic healing 7 3 2 4
astrology 1 3 5 2
angels 0 2 5 5
therapeutic touch 1 5 0 2
precognition 0 2 1 3
shroud of Turin 2 3 1 2
Bermuda Triangle 0 8 5 2
pyramid power 0 1 5 4
synesthesia 1 1 0 1
reincarnation 0 3 4 4
perpetual motion 5 1 1 4
telekenesis 1 1 3 3
life after death 0 2 1 3
trritanopia 1 0 0 2
black holes in space 10 0 0 0
spiritual possession 0 2 1 3
dowsing 1 1 1 3
homeopathy 1 2 2 2
Quantum Leap 2 0 0 1
Bigfoot 1 4 6 4
biorhythms 5 1 1 1
free energy 3 1 2 4
Those in bold red are science concepts or observations.
Quantum Leap is real, but it's a former television series.

The following small posters were scattered about the booth
They identify the above hypotheses which actually come from science.