Vandana Shiva |
Meriam Webster Dictionary |
The things pointed to on this page are
very simple. But they are also very subtle. They usually
take a bit of hard work before we really understand what they mean...understand
what they really are... Then they can become powerful tools
we can actually use.
Just look at how much--and how easily--the
lotteries and casios take from those who are blind to statistics.
Here are some puzzles, and some things to try, that have helped others look into new directions ...and see into places they had never thought to look. |
for the birds
Ultraviolet: the sun's radiation that tans and burns (humans). Birds see it.
evolution left out a lot of possible perceptions--so a lot of our knowledge
has to come from clever extensions of the perceptions we have.
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![]() Try Wason's Card Selection Puzzle (a simple puzzle with an elusive answer) with a group of friends. |
in Street Maps
Are we sticks-in-the-mud for thinking creativity is inappropriate in this setting? When
we describe something, we have to pay attention to making it right and
making it complete. Drawing maps and using maps is perhaps subtler
than we might think. Why do so many errors go uncorrected year after
year after year.?
![]() Correct map dark; creative map dim. |
Take your city
street map out for a spin with some friends, Keep track of
all the errors you find. Who recognizes the errors most easily?
Who denies the errors and why?
Who sees errors of omission as error. (If I have no interest in something why should my map show it just because someone else might want to know? All those extra lines confuse me!) |
traps for the gulls!
Statistics: a powerful tool in the hands (minds) of the shrewd swindlers, the unscrupulous scoundrels, and the cagey swifts (raptor types) out to catch gulls. Statistics
and math: powerful stuff.
![]() 1 winner It's easy to sell us on anything that's nice to think about when we habitually stop looking once we've see what we like. It's easy to prove anything is true to the person who stops looking once he is shown a bit of confirming evidence. It's easy to justify anything we do if we don't look for the potential harm of doing it. |
![]() 68,264,008 losers Orders of magnitude of disconfirmation.
not a democracy...
Statistics: a tricky trade that trips us up too often. But it's not a tool only for the liars and cheats (see above). It really works (like magic -- see definition of magic). Statistical knowledge has its own rules, and those rules take a lot of getting used to. |
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A hustler
presents you with three boxes...
One of the simplest, and one of the subtlest, of the simple but subtle puzzles. Work hard to figure out why. Just what is it that so many people miss seeing? (One easy
route to understanding.)
the Books
Perpetual absurdity. UNIVERSALLY LOUSY error-filled [NOT] scientifcally accurate What
is it about science that many of its teachers don't quite get it right?
Make collections of common errors and study them. Look here
-- and here.
![]() Book authors, too, often haven't had the "Eureka" experience. |
is not what it seems at first glance. Math, too...
The world is not what it seems at first glance. ...and so, we sometimes find magic in places we had never before thought to look, and when we find it, we gain powers we thought were beyond human powers. |